Register For Class
Fire season is coming up quick. Check the class calendar for current classes & Updates.
STEP 1: Check Class Schedule availability
STEP 2: Student Class Description's
STEP 3: Student Enrollment
Required Things to Do:
Upon receipt of payment please send a copy of photo ID to
Please Make Payment & Register Prior to Class to reserve your seat and book order.
We Accept: Cash, CC, PayPal, Money Order
Sorry: We do not Accept Checks. Money Order Payments: Please make out to "Paul Valentine"
Inquire about Discount's for returning students and Group rates. Payment Options available.
$$$$ Tuition Reimbursement $$$$ Possibilities From our Sponsored Fire Contractors. $$$ Make your Tuition Fees Back $$$
Some of our sponsored fire companies have agreed to pay for a portion of your tuition.
Tuition reimbursement is based on fire companies conditions!
All classes meet the NWCG & NWFA Standards and crossover certificates for all state agency, federal & nongovernment private sector job opportunities.
50% of purchase Is nonrefundable for student drop outs or no show. Due to purchase of books & materials you will receive for class, they are yours to keep, all classes are subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances. There is options to reschedule an instructor at an additional charge. Please notify us if you cannot attend we can send or make arrangement's to issue your materials and we will apply a credit to a future scheduled class.